This 7 Day Practice Is Proven To Help Outdoor Cannabis Grow FAST

I've seen growers use this method with great success in both vegetative and **flowering stages. And I personally use this method myself to grow massive plants at over a hundred degrees* in the hot Arizona desert.

The cool thing is that it's totally organic and easy to do. And with this simple practice, I've been able to help my plants thrive during monsoon season and record breaking heat. High gusts with rain can flatten your plants in seconds. And hair dryer like; hot fast wind - can wither and burn your plants up to high heaven.

But this 7 day method has proven to me, to be a real winner..

Here's what the week looks like:

  1. Prune plant, water and add Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses
  2. Plain hose water
  3. Plain hose water
  4. Plain hose water
  5. Water and add Fish Emulsion
  6. Plain hose water
  7. Plain hose water

Here's the recipe:

Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses

  • One tablespoon per gallon of water

Fish Emulsion

  • One tablespoon per gallon of water

*Tip for when it gets 100 degrees and over.

I water the plants (twice a day) and if it's a nutrient day of Molasses or Fish Emulsion - I simply use plain hose water in the morning and do the nutrients in the late evening just before the sun sets on the horizon. 

**During the flowering stage reduce the Fish Emulsion to every other week and replace it with Molasses instead:

Week 1

  1. Prune plant, water and add Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses
  2. Plain hose water
  3. Plain hose water
  4. Plain hose water
  5. Water and add Fish Emulsion
  6. Plain hose water
  7. Plain hose water

Week 2

  1. Prune plant, water and add Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses
  2. Plain hose water
  3. Plain hose water
  4. Plain hose water
  5. Water and add Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses
  6. Plain hose water
  7. Plain hose water